Data Protection
Adivasi-Koordination in Deutschland e.V. – hereinafter referred to as “AKD”
AKD aims to provide you with a comprehensive online information offer while protecting your right to information, self-determination and privacy. We see compliance with data protection regulations as a must, a fact that is reflected in our data protection principles.
1. Our data protection principles
AKD regards data security as very important. As a consequence we protect your data, comply with data protection legislation and use your data only for those purposes for which you have authorised us.
2. Anonymous access
As a rule you access our website without providing any personal data, i.e. you can use our website anonymously. AKD only requests personal data when you make a donation or you want to subscribe to our newsletter (“Rundbrief” – German language only) or you request any other information.
3. Registration, database input
Incase you wish to make a donation or you want to subscribe to our newsletter or you request any other information, we require your personal data in order to deliver these services. These obligatory data are needed and used solely for contractual purposes. We use your address for information and education purposes only. To have it removed from our mailing list, simply inform us by writing to
4. User profiles
AKD does not generate any personalised user profiles.
5. Right of information
Once you are a registered user we will gladly supply you with information on your data stored at any time free of charge. If interested, please contact us under the following address:
6. Deletion
Upon request, we will delete your data completely and immediately. If interested please contact us: Please note that we can only delete your data after our contractual relationship has come to an end. Upon request, we will inform you once we have deleted your data.